Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Battle-Cry, a Testimony, a Prayer

In India’s ancient scripture, “Vedas”, it states that there are five basic material elements, namely; earth, water, air, fire, and ether or sound. Whereas in Astrology, with the absence of sound element, it uses only four elements that signifies human attributes: Earth represents the wealth and security aspect, fire the passion to create, water signifies emotion, and air symbolizes intelligence and innovation. 12 Zodiac signs, 4 material elements, and 3 Zodiacs signs in every element.

According to Astrology, we are influenced by the stars and other heavenly bodies, and our astrological signs and tendencies are determined by the time and location of our birth; having said that, the location of our country of origin has a significant influence in our attitude and inclinations. The country of my birth, The Philippines, (although as of now I don’t have enough data to back-up my claim), I believe, is a country which fall under the sign of water. For the simple reason that the Philippines is a country which is surrounded by water; it is composed of so many islands (7,107 islands to be exact); and two major bodies of water engulfed it: the endless Pacific Ocean and the controversial and mystical China Sea.

In addition, undeniably, Filipinos are emotional, loving, compassionate, sentimental, warm, kind (too kind that they have the tendency to become fools), hospitable, tolerant, forgiving, religious, faithful, etc. All the qualities that are present in a race that is governed by emotion and a of people that can be considered natives of water realm. Moreover, water sign is very much associated with air, which represents intelligence and vital ingredient of musical aspect; that is why, as we can see, Filipinos are very musical, versatile, and their singers are some of the best in the world.

Water is a very important element that even “the greatest of all men” despite His claim and His proof that a person need not to be overly concerned about material things in order to be happy longed for it in His last hour on the cross. Of course, when He said, “I thirst”; He was referring to a symbolic liquid as He was most of the time speaks in parables and He could fast for forty days and survive. Water signifies love; something, which He taught, He lived, and He died for. He emptied His cup for His people but in the end, He was so alone. The need for love indeed was so strong, and in His last words, He revealed His weakness (if it can be considered a weakness). Understandably, Filipinos can relate to Him, and He is most well loved by them. In addition, I believe that although the world thought that He was born in the sign of air, He was actually born in the sign of water; for we all know, that He can walk through it, and the mighty ocean heed his voice and obeyed His command.
Love conquers all. A very strong statement and a very complicated subject, which is beyond comprehension and all we have is our faith to believe. “Someone” so powerful said that faith can move mountain. That is why with all the Filipino workers who left their homes and families to work abroad and face the challenge of the ever-changing time; with all the forces of evil that shake the fiber of their morals and with all the risks and uncertainties of living in a foreign land; and with all the temptations and with all the tears and pain of separation; the Filipinos only real armor against all these is faith. And they are singing the song that speaks of their nature, their hope, their faith, their hidden strength, and their love. Whenever I hear them sing the song, I feel that what I am hearing is not just a song but also a battle cry, a testimony, a prayer in times when hearts are so fragile, and minds are as strong as the raging sea.

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